Fast Facts
- LocationLas Vegas
- GradesPre K – 8
- Enrollment450
- Class Sizes22
- Student to Teacher Ratio17 to 1
- Before and After CareAvailable
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Our Mission
St. Viator Catholic School provides a quality Catholic education where the gospel message of Jesus Christ is lived, learned and shared in a safe learning environment. The administration, faculty, staff, students, parents, clergy, and parish community collaborate to develop the whole person spiritually, morally, academically and physically.
Advanced Math, Spanish, Technology infused environment including iPad 1:1 Program in Jr. High, Science Fair, Hobby Fair, Art, Music, Library, Physical Education, Liturgical Year Celebrations, Fully equipped Science Lab, 16 Field trips including Science Camp, Carson City and Washington, D.C.
Extracurricular / Co-curricular
Altar Server, Weekly Mass, Sacramental Preparation, Campus Ministry, Community Service, NJHS, Student Council, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, Forensics, Chess, Band, Children’s Choir, Hand Bell, Drama Ministry, Scouting, Yearbook, Journalism, TV News, Book Club, Garden Club, Retreats
Catholic Schools’ Sports League
Cheer, Soccer, Cross Country, Volleyball, Golf, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Track, Softball, Table Tennis, Flag Football
Adaptive Education Model
Personalized learning, Onsite School Tutoring and the Micah Program providing children with physical, intellectual and learning disabilities a quality, Christ-centered education in an inclusive, Catholic environment. Resource teachers, guidance counselor, full-time nurse
- Tuition:Parish Tuition: $6,923
Family Rates Available - Registration Fee:$400 (plus Application Fee of $50)
- Registrar Contact:Tiffany Drews
- Testing Dates:Beginning in early spring. See our website for exact dates
- Enrollment Dates:January 1st – March 30th
Applications received after March 30th are reviewed based on availability - Open House:
- School Tours:Families are always welcome, call or email the
Registrar to set up an appointment. - Financial Aid:Available