Fast Facts
- LocationSummerlin
- GradesK – 8
- Enrollment356
- Class Sizes22
- Student to Teacher Ratio14 to 1
- Before and After CareAvailable
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Our Mission
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is committed to the preparation of students to become well-adjusted, well-educated Catholic adults capable of adapting and functioning in a multicultural society. Throughout the learning process, students will be challenged and supported in all aspects of their development, through ethical principles, in order to prepare them to think critically and creatively, problem solve, and successfully face the challenges of living within a global environment and an ever-changing technological society.
Catholic Identity Infused Across the Curriculum, Liturgical Year Celebrations, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Faith Formation K-5th Grade, Core Knowledge Language Arts, Coding, Graphic Design, Spanish, Art, Technology, Physical Education, Library, Science Fair, Invention Convention, Science Lab, One-to-One Technology in 5-8th
Extracurricular / Co-curricular
Altar Servers, Weekly Mass, Retreats, Service Projects, Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, Spelling Bee, Native American Presentations 3rd Grade, Living Saints Presentations 4th Grade, Explorer Presentations 5th Grade, U.S. Historical Figures Presentations 8th Grade, Yearbook, Chess Club, Art Club, Battle of the Books, Band, Choir, Craft Club, Junior High Youth Group, Squires, Geography Bee, Video Production, Field Trips
Catholic Schools’ Sports League
Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Track, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Flag Football
Adaptive Education Model
School Nurse and Counselor on staff with learning support and accommodation plans available.
- Tuition:PK: $9,400/K-8: $8,400
- Registration Fee:$400 (Plus Application Fee of $40)
- Registrar Contact:SEAS Registrar
- Testing Dates:Kindergarten testing begins January followed by Grades 1-8. All testing by appointment.
- Enrollment Dates:Beginning January
- Open House:Please check our website for dates and times
- School Tours:Families are always welcome to tour our campus. Contact the school to schedule an appointment.
- Financial Aid:Available